
  • University of Technology Sydney, NSW, Australia
    Ph.D., Feb. 2014 - Nov. 2018
    • Thesis title: Nonconvex and Nonsmooth Optimization for Robust Control and Power Systems.
    • Principal Supervisor: Prof. Tuan Duong Hoan                  E-mail:
    • Co-Supervisor: Prof. Steven W. Su                                    E-mail:
  • Northwestern Polytechnical University, Xi'an, China
    B.S., Mathematical statistics, Sep. 2009 - Jun. 2013

Work Experience

  • Tenure-track Assistant Professor                                                                                            Jan. 2021 -now
    School of Information Science and Technology, ShanghaiTech University
  • Postdoctoral Fellow                                                                                           Jul. 2019 - Dec. 2020
    • Australian Artificial Intelligence Institute, School of Computer Science, University of Technology Sydney.
    • Supervisor: Prof. Chin-Teng Lin (IEEE Fellow)           E-mail:
  • Research Assistant                                                                                            Mar. 2017 - Jun. 2019
    • School of Electrical Engineering and Telecommunications, Faculty of Engineering, University of New South Wales
    • Supervisor: Prof. Andrey V. Savkin                             E-mail:


  • Outstanding Overseas Students Award, Chinese Ministry of Education, 2019, Australia. (A total of 500 people worldwide while only 50 people in Australia)
  • FEIT PhD Post Thesis Publication Award, University of Technology Sydney 2018, Australia.
  • Higher Degree Research Publication Award, University of Technology Sydney, 2017, Australia.
  • Best Paper Award, the 6th IEEE International Conference on Control Systems, Computing and Engineering, 2016, Malaysia.
  • ARC Discovery Scholarship, University of Technology Sydney, 2014-2016, Australia.
  • International Research Scholarships, University of Technology Sydney, 2014-2016, Australia.
  • Meritorious Winner of the Interdisciplinary Contest in Modeling (ICM), The Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, 2013, America.
  • First Prize of Chinese Undergraduate Mathematical Contest for Modeling (CUMCM), China Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, 2012, China.
  • First-class Scholarship, Northwestern Polytechnical University, 2011, China.
  • Merit Student Award, Northwestern Polytechnical University, 2010, China.
  • National Scholarship, Chinese Ministry of Education, 2010, China.